推广 热搜: 柴油发电机组变电风电变压器开关柜核电电缆互感器火电绝缘子

供应广西纯铜防雷器 避雷针 避雷接地器 家用防雷装置

单价: 3550.00元/件
起订: 1 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起天内发货
所在地: 广东 广州市
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2014-12-02 14:39
浏览次数: 1476
加工定制 品牌 捷思 型号 100CM
标称放电电流 1000 响应时间 1S(s) 最大操作电压 10000
最大放电电流 10000 温度范围 -50-100 适用于 屋顶防雷

福建捷思金属科技发展有限公司(广州分公司)诞生于2002,我们已经为市场提供了不计其数的自主品牌铜产品,且不断追求进取。不仅坚持生产自有设计的产品,我们还不遗余力地满足来自不同客户的定制要求,而所有的产品的生产都秉承“高标准,严要求”的原则,认真遵守各项行业规定。捷思公司座落于福建省省会福州市,是振协集团成员之一。公司专注于铜铝檐沟、封檐板、铜浮雕、铜板画、栏杆楼梯、天花幕墙、金属门窗、瓦片等金属制品的设计、生产与销售,全方位、多渠道满足客户的各种需求。经过多年的专业追求,捷思凭借独特创新、迅雷响应、精湛品质和竭诚服务,赢得了海内外美誉。我们的使命是“快速创建品牌立体竞争力”,我们的奋斗目标是创造属于世界永恒的“土豪金”。 Born in 2002, we’ve been decorating the world with our wide range of copper products, and still keep going. We are not only manufacturing standard products following our own design, but also trying our best to fulfill your DIY expectations: you design, we produce; you need us to design, we can do that, too. For all, we comply with high standards, to pursue safe and solid beauty. GENS is a division of Zhenxie Group Co. Ltd., rooted in Fuzhou which is capital city of Fujian province, specializing in copper/aluminum gutters, copper verge boards, sculptures, carving, stairs, handrails, ceilings, screens, metal doors, windows, roof tiles and so on. It’s in the spirit of that legacy of innovation, speed, quality and impressive service that we produce our metal roofing and decoration accessories. Since the day we started, our products have been supplied to every corner of China and lots of places in other countries. GENS built a reputation for competitive workmanship, customer service and knowledge of the industry. We design, produce and sell products of meeting rigorous demands from the market, which makes us one of those to keep historic renovations in order, creating time of shining. Our goal is “Copper in second, proper to happen”





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供应广西纯铜防雷器  避雷针 避雷接地器 家用防雷装置
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