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华星东方亮相第七届垃圾管理暨垃圾制能亚洲环保峰会2023 · 聚焦泰国

中国电力网 发布时间:2023-11-23 14:13:08

由INBC GLOBAL发起的 “第七届垃圾管理暨垃圾制能亚洲环保峰会2023 ·聚焦泰国”,于2023年10月25-26日在泰国首都曼谷隆重举办。江苏华星东方副总经理及技术部相关领导应邀参会。

The "7th Waste Management and Waste to Energy Asia Environmental Protection Summit 2023. Focusing on Thailand" initiated by INBC GLOBAL was held grandly in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, from October 25 to 26, 2023. The deputy general manager of Jiangsu Huaxing East Co. and relevant management of the technical department were invited to attend the meeting.

此次会议邀请了泰国国家政府部门(泰国能源部,自然资源环境部,工业部)、泰国电力公司(省电力局PEA,国家电力管理局EGAT)、泰国垃圾发电业主公司、泰国高校研究机构、咨询公司、设计院以及来自中国,欧洲及泰国的投资商及技术设备供应商出席( 江苏华星东方环保科技有限公司,重庆三峰卡万塔,中国恩菲,上海康恒环境,中科环保等企业作为主要赞助商参与了本次峰会),为泰国带来了中国垃圾处置及垃圾发电领域的最新解决方案,共计200余位嘉宾参加了本次峰会,共同探讨泰国垃圾处理方式,为海外垃圾焚烧发电事业贡献力量。

This meeting invited Thai national government departments (Thailand Ministry of Energy, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Industry), Thai Electric Power Company (Provincial Electricity Authority PEA, National Electricity Administration EGAT), Thai waste-to-energy owner companies, Thai university research institutions, Consulting companies, design institutes, investors and technical equipment suppliers from China, Europe and Thailand attended the event. Some well known companies from China such as(Jiangsu Huaxing East Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Chongqing Sanfeng Covanta, China ENFI, Shanghai Kangheng Environment, Zhongke Environmental Protection and other enterprises also participated in this summit as the main sponsor), bringing to Thailand the latest solutions in China's waste disposal and waste-to-energy fields. A total of more than 200 guests participated in this summit to discuss Thailand's waste treatment methods and provide opportunities for overseas waste incineration, making significant Contribution to the power generation industry.


Through this summit exchange, China Huaxing East Co. directly expressed its cooperation intentions with potential owners and committed to solving more practical problems of owners. Currently, Thailand's waste-to-energy projects are mostly small-scale projects with a capacity of less than 1,000 TPD. In addition to waste incineration, there are also RDF waste-derived fuel projects. Compared with China, Thailand's waste-to-energy market still has great potential for development, given the years of practical expertise the Huaxing East Co. has accumulated in the Chinese market, this event can prove to be platform for Thailand market to benefit from more advanced and adapted flue gas cleaning technologies and solutions, which will promote the high-end waste incineration industry in Thailand and even Southeast Asia.

10月27日,华星东方与其他参会嘉宾一起参观了春武里府清洁能源垃圾发电厂项目(Chonburi Clean Energy Power Plant (CCE)),该项目由WHA,Veolia, GPSC共同投资建设,总投资18亿泰铢(约3.7亿RMB),于2019年11月7日投入运营,建设规模为日处理垃圾320吨,年焚烧垃圾11万吨,共发电8.63MW。

On October 27, Huaxing East Co. and other guests visited the Chonburi Clean Energy Power Plant (CCE) in Thailand. This project is jointly invested and constructed by WHA, Veolia, and GPSC. The total investment 1.8 billion baht (approximately RMB 370 million), it was put into operation on November 7, 2019. The construction scale is to process 320 tons of garbage per day, incinerate 110,000 tons of garbage annually, and generate a total of 8.63MW of electricity.

华星东方目前在国内外众多城市拥有烟气净化和废水治理的工程业绩,主要集中在工业废弃物、农业废弃物、生活废弃物等领域具有领先的技术和优势。累计参与200多座固废焚烧厂的建设,正在实施和已经完成了500余套固废焚烧烟气净化系统,近期华星东方圆满完成了GEA Bishoff PTFI MANYAR 金属冶炼印尼项目SDA制造工程,印度Hyderabad等多个焚烧厂烟气净化项目,德国鲁尔—泰国SCR项目,马来西亚雪兰莪垃圾焚烧烟气净化项目,日本长崎西催化剂供货项目等。

Huaxing East Co. currently has engineering achievements in flue gas cleaning and waste water treatment in many cities at home and abroad, mainly focusing on leading technologies and advantages in the fields of industrial waste, agricultural waste, and domestic waste. It has participated in the construction of more than 200 solid waste incineration plants, and is implementing or has completed more than 500 sets of solid waste incineration flue gas cleaning systems. Recently, Huaxing East Co. has successfully completed the SDA manufacturing project of the GEA Bishoff PTFI MANYAR metal smelting project in Indonesia, Hyderabad, India, etc. Multiple incineration plant flue gas purification projects, Germany Ruhr-Thailand SCR project, Malaysia Selangor waste incineration flue gas cleaning project, Japan Nagasaki Nishi catalyst supply project, etc.

华星东方在海外的业绩涵盖包括:印度南部特伦甘纳邦邓迪格市(旋转喷雾烟气净化项目)、印度海德拉巴一期、二期(SNCR+旋转喷雾烟气净化项目)、土耳其维拉卡纸厂(循环流化床烟气净化项目)、泰国SCG集团(SCR烟气净化项目)、GEA Bishoff PTFI MANYAR 金属冶炼印尼项目(SDA制造工程)、印尼IKS锅炉岛(烟气核心设备供货及系统工艺包设计)、印尼TK锅炉岛(烟气核心设备供货及系统工艺包设计)、马来西亚雪兰莪一期、二期(SNCR+旋转喷雾烟气净化项目)、日本长崎西催化剂供货等多个项目。

Huaxing East Co.’s overseas performance covers: Dundigal City, Telangana State, southern India (rotating spray flue gas cleaning project), Hyderabad, India Phase I and II (SNCR + rotating spray flue gas cleaning project), Vila, Turkey Cardboard factory (circulating fluidized bed flue gas cleaning project), Thailand SCG Group (SCR flue gas cleaning project), GEA Bishoff PTFI MANYAR metal smelting Indonesia project (SDA manufacturing project), Indonesia IKS boiler island (flue gas core equipment supply and system process package design), TK Boiler Island in Indonesia (flue gas core equipment supply and system process package design), Selangor Phase I and II in Malaysia (SNCR + rotating spray flue gas cleaning project), Nagasaki Nishi catalyst supply in Japan, etc. Multiple projects.


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